Icom IC-A24 Handheld Nav/Comm

  Icom IC-A24 Handheld Nav/Comm

Icom IC-A24 Handheld Nav/Comm

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Polar Satellites

Polar Satellites

Geostationary satellites are generally placed at an altitude of about 36.000 km. But polar satellites are generally positioned at an altitude of about 850 km, so that they circle the earth every 100 minutes or so.

Polar Satellites

Polar Satellites

Polar Satellites

Polar Satellites

Polar Satellites

The first polar satellite was launched on February 24, 1996 by national aeronautic and space administration (NASA). This was the second satellite to be launched under the global geospace science project. TIDE/PSI investigation is an important function of the polar satellite.

The main purpose of a polar satellite is to collect information on radiation and other atmospheric dangers. When a satellite flies in the upper atmosphere, there are chances that the satellite's instruMents can be damaged by sun's harmful radiation.

Polar Satellites

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